Monday 7 January 2019

MLA Wayne Anderson, Highwood

Father, I lift up MLA Wayne Anderson to you. Let your blessing and peace fill his life and guide him in his role as a member of the United Conservative party of Alberta for the Highwood region.  Let your will be done through the private member bills that he is involved with and the other committees that he deals with. I also lift up his family to you. In Jesus name, amen.

Wayne Anderson was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for the constituency of Highwood on May 5, 2015. He attended the University of Winnipeg bachelor of science program and was actively involved in student and local politics. He held the positions of student council treasurer and president and participated on the board of regents and the university senate. Mr. Anderson and his family reside on an acreage in the community of Davisburg in De Winton, Alberta.

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