Friday 25 January 2019

MLA Nathan Cooper, Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills

Lord, today we bring Nathan Cooper before Your throne of grace and ask that you bless him as he represents his constituency of Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills in our legislature.  Thank you for his service on the Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections, Standing Orders and Printing and the Special Standing Committee on Members' Services.  Lord give Nathan great wisdom and divine strategies as he carries out his duties in our legislature.  Bless and protect also Lord his wife Tanya and their three children in his absence.  In Jesus' wonderful name.  Amen.

Nathan Cooper was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, representing the constituency of Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills, on May 5, 2015.

Prior to serving as a Member of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Cooper held a number of employment positions but most recently was chief of staff and director of legislative affairs for the Wildrose caucus. Previous to this, he served two terms as councillor for the town of Carstairs.
Having been involved in the 4-H program from a young age, Mr. Cooper has won numerous public speaking awards, and he continues to support 4-H as a volunteer judge. Mr. Cooper also had the privilege of being a Rotary Club exchange student in 1998 and still continues to support the Rotary Club today.
Mr. Cooper and his wife, Tanya, are raising three children – Porter, Paxton and Peyton – in their hometown of Carstairs.

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