Wednesday 13 February 2019

MLA Rick Fraser, Calgary-South East

Dear Heavenly Father, we lift up Rick Fraser to you today and ask you to bless his work in South East Calgary. As he works with the Standing Committee for Families and Communities, we ask that you bless Alberta with strong, vibrant neighbourhoods. Encourage him with ideas that will continue to build this great province. We ask that you would bless his family as well, and give him the time to be with his wife and two children. Let your glory be a shield around them in accordance with Psalm 3:3.
In Jesus' name, Amen

Rick Fraser was elected to his second term as the Member for Calgary-South East on May 5, 2015. He currently serves as a member of the Standing Committee on Families and Communities. Born and raised in Calgary, Rick Fraser and his wife Mishelle are now raising two young sons in Calgary's southeast side.

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