Friday 1 February 2019

MLA Devin Dreeshan, Innisfail-Sylvan Lake

Devin Dreeshen is a recently elected MLA in Alberta and we remember him today Lord.  He has many new tasks before him and needs wisdom and insight as to how to find a new rhythm in his days. Thank you for the opportunity he has been given to serve in a new capacity - bless him today in all he does, amen.

Devin Dreeshen is a fifth-generation local farm owner, volunteer, and long-time conservative party activist. Devin was a policy advisor to Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz from 2008 to 2015.
He first got involved in politics volunteering locally at the provincial level and attending policy conferences in the mid nineties. He has worked closely with both provincial and federal conservative parties and has volunteered on many different local campaigns. In 2005, he attended the founding convention of the Conservative Party of Canada as a delegate from the Red Deer Riding supporting nationwide conservative unity. In 2016, he was proud to be a part of Jason Kenney's united conservative vision for Alberta.
Dreeshen is a farmer near Pine Lake, He is the son of Canadian MP, Earl Dreeshen.

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