Monday 23 October 2017

MLA Hon Stephanie McLean, Calgary-Varsity

Lord we ask for Minister McLean.  As she serves as Minister of Service Alberta and Minister of Status of Woman Lord may you stir your anointing within her.  She has a heart to serve and mentor others.  May you use her to influence many lives.  May you give her the wisdom to know how to serve the interests of all Albertans no matter their background.  May you use her passions and interests to better Alberta.  Lord as she serves as MLA for Calgary Varsity, give her favour with those in her region.  Show her how to rule fairly and justly.  May you protect her marriage and her family and guide her every step of the way.

Honourable Stephanie McLean was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta as the Member for the constituency of Calgary-Varsity on May 5, 2015. She was appointed Minister of Service Alberta and Status of Women on February 2, 2016.
Prior to serving as a Member of the Legislative Assembly, Hon. McLean started a small business practicing law where she practiced in Family and Criminal litigation.

Born in Calgary and Educated in Alberta, Hon. McLean earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religious Studies at Concordia University College of Alberta in 2008 and received her Law Degree from the University of Calgary in 2012.
Active in her community, she presently serves as a Mentor Lawyer through the University of Calgary Student Legal Assistance mentorship program. Hon. McLean has offered legal assistance and volunteerism to Calgary Legal Guidance, The University of Calgary Student Legal Assistance advising lawyer program, the Elizabeth Fry Society, and the Calgary Criminal Defense Lawyers Association.

Hon. McLean is passionate about, health care, advanced education, women’s rights and consumer protection. She and her husband Shane, as well as their baby Patrick, are residents of Calgary-Varsity.

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