Tuesday 17 October 2017

MLA Hon Brian Mason, Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood

Today we pray for Hon. Brian Mason of Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood.  Lord bless Brian today with strength wisdom and good health we ask.  May he be productive in his work throughout this day. Bless those close to him in Your precious Name, Amen.

Brian Mason was sworn in as Minister of Infrastructure, Minister of Transportation and Government House Leader on May 24, 2015.
He was first elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood in a 2000 by-election, and is the longest serving Member of the 29th Legislature.  Mr. Mason served as leader of the New Democrats from September 18, 2004, to October 18, 2014.

Before his election to the Alberta Legislature, Mr. Mason served as city of Edmonton councillor for ward 3. He was first elected in October 1989 and won three subsequent civic elections. As a member of city council for 11 years Mr. Mason gained a reputation as a tough and effective voice for his constituents. Following his political science studies at the University of Alberta he became politically active, serving as the executive director of the Alberta Federation of Students from 1977 to 1979.

Mr. Mason has lived in Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood for over 20 years with his wife, Karin.

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