Wednesday 13 March 2019

MLA Todd Loewen, Grande Prairie - Smoky

Father in heaven today we lift up Todd Loewen before Your throne of grace and ask that you bless him as he serves his constituents in Grande Prairie-Smoky.  Lord we are thankful You have given him a servant's heart to serve others in his community even prior to his being elected equipping him to better serve in our legislature.  Jesus give him wisdom and boldness to serve well on the Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship.  Lord watch over him, his wife Teena, and their five children you have blessed them with and keep them all in Your care.  In Your wonderful name.  Amen.

Todd Loewen was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, representing the constituency of Grande Prairie-Smoky, on May 5, 2015.  Mr. Loewen is currently a member of the Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship. Mr. Loewen and his wife, Teena, have five children: Travis, Ty, Taylor Tianna and Tenea. They reside in the constituency of Grande Prairie-Smoky, where Mr. Loewen has been an active volunteer for the Rotary Club of Grande Prairie, the Chamber of Commerce, their local church, a number of business organizations and many other community activities.

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