Tuesday 5 March 2019

Hon Sandra Jansen, Calgary-North West

Heavenly Father today we pray for our Minister of Infrastructure Sandra Jansen representing Calgary-North West in our government.  Lord give her divine strategies to carry out her position in our government with excellence and integrity.  Jesus we also thank you for her willingness to serve as member on the Standing Committee of Families and Communities and utilizing her past experience in community involvement for this committee.  Lord guard her and keep her healthy and strong as she serves her constituents and our province.  In Your name.  Amen.

Sandra Jansen was elected to her second term as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary-North West on May 5, 2015. Ms. Jansen was sworn in as the Minister for Infrastructure on October 17, 2017. A passionate advocate and dedicated volunteer, over the years she has been a spokesperson and a volunteer for the United Way, Calgary Health Trust, and Ronald McDonald House and a board member at the Calgary Girls' School. Ms. Jansen is an acrylic artist and has donated more than 50 paintings to various charities in the Calgary area.

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