Thursday 9 November 2017

MLA Marie Renaud, St. Albert

Father in Heaven, today we lift up MLA Marie Renaud to You. We thank You for her heart to serve her community and her compassion for those with developmental disabilities. We ask that You would give her all she needs to represent the people of St. Albert well and help her as she sits on the Standing Committee for Public Accounts. We speak Your blessing over her today.

Marie Renaud was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, representing the constituency of St. Albert, on May 5, 2015.
She currently serves as a member of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. Previously she served as a member of the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund and the Select Special Ethics and Accountability Committee.

Prior to serving with the Legislative Assembly, Ms. Renaud worked for almost 15 years as the executive director of Lo-Se-Ca Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides residential and day supports to adults with developmental disabilities. Prior to this, she spent two years at the Women's Economic and Business Solutions Society and seven years as an instructor at MacEwan University.

Ms. Renaud holds a university certificate in counselling women from the women's and gender studies department at the University of Alberta and a diploma in community disability studies from MacEwan University.

She was named one of Edmonton's top 100 women in business by the University of Alberta's Wanderer magazine in 2014, and she received a Prime Minister's volunteer award for social innovation in the prairies region in 2012.

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