Tuesday 8 December 2015

Mr. Brian Michael Jean - MLA for Fort McMurray-Conklin

Father, we lift up Mr. Brian Jean to you as we ask that you would be with him and guide him as he represents the people as MLA for Fort McMurray-Conklin.  We recognize the work he’s done in the last year as a member of the opposition and are thankful for the tireless work that was done to keep our government accountable to Albertans.  May he walk every day in a place of blessing and grant him wisdom and insight into the issues he faces each day.  Renew his strength and vision for the work you have called him to do and as he goes about the day may he sense that you walk with him.  We pray for strength and a strong heart to run the race that you have placed before him.  Watch over and protect both he and his family, give him times of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation with his family and friends. In the precious name of Jesus.  Amen.

Biographical information for individual Members will be posted as soon as it is available.

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