Tuesday 25 December 2018

Merry Christmas from Leading Influence

Christmas is a time for serving others. We seem to have a bigger space in our hearts for the needs of others at this time of the year.  So, we give a little more and serve a little more. We follow the example set for us by our Lord that came into this world for the purpose of becoming the ultimate Servant by willingly giving His life so we could enjoy life eternal.  We appreciate the blessing of serving our legislature by lifting them up in prayer regardless of what political stripe they bear.  

We would like to especially thank all the team members who faithfully serve by writing the prayers for our MLA's and we look forward to continuing to work with them in the New Year especially as this coming year is an election year in our province.  Thank you to all of you that pray with us for our MLA's, those who administrate our website and those who give leadership to this vital ministry have a blessed and Merry Christmas and a wonderful and prosperous New Year.

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