Wednesday 18 November 2015

Mr. Derek Fildebrandt - MLA for Strathmore-Brooks

We thank You Lord that You will give MLA Derek Fildebrandt the ability to serve his constituents and serve as the official oppositions shadow Minister of Finance and Treasury Board.  May he experience a wisdom and knowledge that is above and beyond his own.  We pray that he will have eyes to see the good path You have laid out for him today that will lead to success.  Amen.

Derek Fildebrandt was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, representing the constituency of Strathmore-Brooks, on May 5, 2015.

He currently serves as Chair of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and as a member of the Special Standing Committee on Members' Services.

As well he serves as the Official Opposition's shadow minister of Finance and Treasury Board.

Prior to serving as a Member of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Fildebrandt was the Alberta director and national research director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. He also previously worked as a policy analyst for the Forum of Labour Market Ministers for the British Columbia Public Service.

Born and educated in Ontario, Mr. Fildebrandt received his bachelor of arts, history and political science from Carleton University.

Mr. Fildebrandt enjoys a number of outdoor activities such as fishing, sport shooting and canoeing.

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