Monday 19 October 2015

Mr. Wayne Anderson - MLA for Highwood

Father, when many decisions fall on our shoulders it is difficult to always know what is best.  However, you have said “If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God and He will give liberally to those who ask in faith.”

Mr. Anderson has entered into an arena that is new to him and without question, he will be faced with making decisions that will require your guidance.  We pray on his behalf, that You grant him wisdom, grace and courage each day as he continues to serve the people of Alberta as a member of the legislative assembly. Amen

Wayne Anderson was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for the constituency of Highwood on May 5, 2015.

He currently serves as a member of the Select Special Ethics and Accountability Committee and the Standing Committee on Private Bills.

Prior to entering politics, Mr. Anderson spent over 25 years in the information technology industry, holding positions in business development and management for major corporations. He also worked as an auto mechanic and a welder for CP Rail yards.

He attended the University of Winnipeg bachelor of science program and was actively involved in student and local politics. He held the positions of student council treasurer and president and participated on the board of regents and the university senate.

Mr. Anderson and his family reside on an acreage in the community of Davisburg in De Winton, Alberta.

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