Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Premier Jim Prentice, PC, QC - MLA for Calgary-Foothills

Father in Heaven, we present our Premier, Jim Prentice to You today and ask that he would be aware of Your presence with him and Your discernment as he leads the Province of Alberta.  We pray that You would guide our Premier and his cabinet as they collaborate and make the crucial decisions to bring our Province into prosperity and success.  Bless him and his family and may he experience good health and renewed energy every waking day.  We pray all these things in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.


President of Executive Council

Jim Prentice, PC, QC, was sworn in as Alberta's 16th Premier on September 15, 2014. In addition to serving as both Premier and President of Executive Council, Mr. Prentice holds multiple ministerial appointments, including overseeing the portfolios for International and Intergovernmental Relations and for Aboriginal Relations. He also serves as chair of the Planning and Priorities Cabinet Committee.

Mr. Prentice's extensive public service dates back to 2004 and includes three terms as the Member of Parliament for Calgary Centre-North. During his service as an MP he oversaw various ministries, including Industry, Environment, and Indian Affairs and Northern Development. He also served as chair of the Operations Committee.

In addition to his public service Mr. Prentice has worked in private industry as both vice-chair and senior executive vice-president of CIBC, where he led the bank in the critical areas of energy infrastructure, responsible resource development and the Asian Pacific Rim.

A lawyer by trade, Mr. Prentice received his bachelor of laws from Dalhousie University and a bachelor of commerce from the University of Alberta. He was designated as a Queen's Counsel in 1992 and as a member of the Privy Council in 2006 and received his doctor of laws from the University of Alberta in 2013.

Mr. Prentice was 13 when his family moved from Ontario to Grande Cache, Alberta. He currently lives in Calgary with his wife, Karen. Together they have three daughters and recently celebrated the birth of their second grandchild.

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