Monday 12 May 2014

Honourable Frank Oberle - MLA for Peace River

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Honourable Frank Oberle and his role in the Alberta government.  May he be a man of integrity and compassion as he leads in the affairs of the Aboriginal people of Alberta.  Give him divine wisdom and insight to carry out his day to day duties with Your grace.   Bless his family times.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Minister of Aboriginal Relations

Frank Oberle was elected to his third term as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta for the constituency of Peace River on April 23, 2012 and was appointed as Minister of Aboriginal Relations on December 13, 2013. He is also Deputy House Leader.

Mr. Oberle was formerly the Associate Minister of Services for Persons with Disabilities (reporting to the Minister of Human Services) and Minister of Sustainable Resource Development.

Previously, he has served as Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security, Chief Government Whip and on the following standing committees of the Legislative Assembly:
  • Privileges and Elections, Standing Orders and Printing
  • Resources and Environment
  • Private Bills Committee
  • Public Accounts Committee
Mr. Oberle studied forest resource technology at the College of New Caledonia in Prince George in 1980 and obtained his bachelor of science in forestry from the University of New Brunswick in 1988. Mr. Oberle won the Governor General’s award (gold medal) in forestry in 1988, the highest university achievement.

From 1988 to 2004, Mr. Oberle worked for Daishowa-Marubeni International Ltd., first as a management forester and then as senior forestry advisor. He is a registered professional forester (RPF) with the College of Professional Foresters (CAPF).

Mr. Oberle is no stranger to the political arena. His father, Frank Oberle Sr., was a Member of Parliament for Prince George-Peace River from 1973 to 1993 and held portfolios including Minister of Forestry and Minister of State for Science and Technology.

Mr. Oberle is an active member of the community and has been involved with many boards and organizations:
  • Métis Harvesting Committee
  • Co-chair Alberta Forest Research Institute (AFRI) from 2004 to 2006
  • Parent council, Good Shepherd school
  • Economic Development Board chair for Peace River in 2000
  • RCMP Community Advisory Board from 2001 to 2004
  • Peace River town council from 2001 to 2004
  • Member of the East Peace Regional Landfill Board from 2001 to 2004

He and his wife, Debbie, have two children and in his spare time he enjoys fishing, woodworking and river boating.

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