Friday 27 September 2013

MLA Len Webber, Calgary-Foothills

Dear Lord, we remember before you Len Webber, MLA for Calgary-Foothills. We ask that you continue to empower him to hear and respond with great effectiveness to those within his riding. May he serve each one with continued honesty and insight. In all his myriad roles and responsibilities may he know and sense your kindness and love for him as a person, politician and servant of the people. We also request you bless his family, his staff and those who serve alongside of him. In Jesus’ Name we pray! Amen!

Len Webber was elected to his third term as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta for the constituency of Calgary-Foothills on April 23, 2012. He currently serves as a member of Treasury Board, Energy Council, Alberta´s representative on the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER), the Standing Committee on Private Bills and the Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship. More recently Mr. Webber was appointed to the MLA implementation team working on the review and implementation of the Retail Market Review Committee recommendations that will strengthen Alberta’s retail electricity market.

During his service as a Member, Mr. Webber has also served as Minister of Aboriginal Relations, Minister of International and Intergovernmental Relations, deputy government whip, parliamentary assistant for Energy and on the following boards and committees:
  • Standing Committee on Public Accounts
  • Standing Committee on Energy
  • Standing Committee on Legislative Offices
  • Select Special Chief Electoral Officer Search Committee
  • Standing Committee on Resources and Environment
  • Chair, Healthy Aging and Continuing Care in Alberta
  • Co-chair, MLA Task Force on Continuing Care Health Service and Accommodation Standards
  • Chair, MLA Task Force on Affordable Housing and Homelessness in Alberta
  • Member, Select Special Ethics Commissioner Search Committee
  • Member, Alberta/Alaska Bilateral Council
  • Member, Public Accounts Committee
  • Member, Standing Policy Committee on Education and Employment
  • Chair, Advisory Committee on Climate Change
  • Chair, MLA Review Committee of Private Investigators and Security Guards Act
  • Member, The Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Board of Directors
  • Member, Calgary WorldSkills 2009 Board of Directors
  • Member, Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) Review Committee
  • Member, Private Bills Committee
  • Member, Treasury Board
Mr. Webber´s most recent initiative has been the introduction of private member´s Bill 207, Human Tissue and Organ Donation Amendment Act, 2013. Mr. Webber has been working on Bill 207 for the last year and a half. The bill became a government bill in May and passed second reading on May 14, 2013.

Before becoming an MLA, Mr. Webber was the vice-president and director of Webber Academy, a nonprofit university preparatory private school in Calgary. The academy provides advanced and challenging curriculum to about 950 above-average and academically gifted students from junior kindergarten to Grade 12.

Len Webber was born in Calgary, raised in the northwest community of Brentwood, and is the son of former Calgary MLA and cabinet minister Dr. Neil Webber. He received his bachelor of commerce degree from the University of Calgary and his journeyman communications electrician certificate from SAIT. He worked as an apprentice electrician out of high school and ran his own contracting business for 10 years before starting with Webber Academy.

Mr. Webber has a history of involvement and volunteerism with community groups, including Hospice Calgary, The Calgary Foundation, MS Society and as a board member of the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC). He is a loyal volunteer in many fundraising events promoting breast cancer awareness, research, and development. He is a proud recipient of the Alberta Centennial Medal for his contributions to the province of Alberta.

Mr. Webber and his late wife, Heather, have three teenage daughters: Lauren, Jaime and Kelly.
June 6, 2013

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