Wednesday, 28 February 2018

MLA Ric McIver, Calgary-Hays

Dear Lord I ask that you provide a covering of peace and protection over Ric McIver, MLA for Calgary-Hays.  I pray for his family and specifically for good health in his family.  I pray a spirit of healing and wellness to cover Ric as he takes on what is clearly a demanding job. Lord, surround Ric with your people and those that truly care for his well being and his mandate. I also pray Lord that you would prevent those who have less than good intentions for Ric in any form or fashion and you would keep him safe and covered by your all mighty hand. Remind Ric to “Be still and know that You are God”

Ric McIver was elected to his second term as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary-Hays on May 5, 2015. He is married to Christine, the founder and CEO of the Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta. Between them they have four children and two grandchildren, all living in Calgary.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Hon Margaret McCuaig-Boyd, Dunvegan-Central Peace- Notley

Father we ask that you would give the Honourable Margaret McCuaig-Boyd wisdom as the Minister of Energy in Alberta. Give her the strategies from the throne room of Heaven. We bring her into your courtroom so that she may sit at your feet and record the strategies you have for the province of Alberta. Bless her, her family, and all the people of Alberta. Amen.

Margaret McCuaig-Boyd was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Dunvegan-Central Peace-Notley on May 5, 2015. She was appointed to serve as Minister of Energy on May 24, 2015.  Ms. McCuaig-Boyd lives in Fairview with her husband Dan and they have two adult children, Jocelyn and Tyson. She enjoys travelling, golfing, curling and skiing.

Monday, 26 February 2018

Hon Brian Mason, Edmonton-Highlands,Norwood

Lord thank you For Brian Mason.  Thank you for his profile as the Minister of Transportation and the Government House Leader and as a MLA.  Lord he has much experience in the Government operations.  Let him be an example to many of the younger members of government.  Give him deep understanding of the needs of his constituents and the needs for all Albertans.  Give him favour with his departments that he serves and give him a sharp mind to understand the complex issues facing us today and give him solution minded people that will help him. Would you continue to watch over his marriage with Karin his wife.

Brian Mason currently serves as Minister of Transportation and as Government House Leader. He previously served as Minister of Infrastructure.  Mr. Mason has lived in Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood for over 20 years with his wife, Karin.