Monday, 22 December 2014


Dear Lord,

We pray that this Christmas, once again our eyes would be turned to the babe born in a manger. The miracle of your birth is that you God, took on human form and came and lived among us. As we look at the events of that first Christmas, may we also be reminded that your short journey on earth culminated in your death, the most significant event in history, so that people everywhere could have the opportunity to be forgiven and receive eternal life. May our prayer be, that the Savior of the world would find a place of residence in all our hearts.

We pray for all our MLA’s that during this Christmas season, they would experience your presence and peace and be refreshed and renewed as they spend time with family and friends.

In Jesus' Name,



From December 22nd through January 4th, 2015 this site will be taking a break. 

We will resume publishing prayers for our MLA’s on January 5th, 2015. While we are not doing business as usual, we are still praying for our province and our elected leaders.

Merry Christmas from all of us here at PrayAlberta!

Friday, 19 December 2014

Mrs. Mary Anne Jablonski - MLA for Red Deer-North

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for MLA Mary Anne Jablonski.  We ask that You would be with her as she seeks to fulfill her role in the legislature, may she continue do so with integrity, courage and conviction.   We pray that she receives added support during this holiday season. Please guide her decisions and direct her in the ways of providing leadership to her community and peers in the legislature.  In Your name, Amen.

Deputy Chair of Committees

Mary Anne Jablonski was elected to her fifth term as Member of the Legislative Assembly for Red Deer-North on April 23, 2012. She currently serves as deputy chair of the Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund an as a member of the Standing Committee on Private Bills and the Standing Committee on Families and Communities.

Additionally she served as Minister of Seniors and Community Supports from March 12, 2008 to October 12, 2011. During her third term she served as chair of the Cabinet Policy Committee on Community Services and as a member of the Legislative Review Committee.

She has also served on the following committees:

Standing Committee on Community Development (chair)
Alberta Mental Health Board Liaison and Advisory Committee (chair)
Standing Policy Committee on Justice and Government Services (chair)
Youth Secretariat (chair)
Corrections Review Committee (chair)
Strengthening Alberta’s Role in Confederation Committee (co-chair)
FOIPP Review Committee (deputy chair)
Standing Committee on Public Accounts
Standing Policy Committee on Health and Community Living
Committee on Collaboration and Innovation
Crystal Meth Task Force Committee
Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services

Mrs. Jablonski was born and raised in St. Catharines, Ontario. She has three sisters and one brother. She was awarded a scholarship to attend Brock University, where she studied psychology and political science. Married since 1971, Mrs. Jablonski and her husband, Bob, have three grown children and five grandchildren.

Mrs. Jablonski and her family moved to Alberta in 1980, when her husband was transferred to Penhold with the Canadian Forces. From 1982 to 1985 she helped to successfully lobby the federal government for a dental plan for the families of the Canadian Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police as well as for the rights of spouses of military members.

Before she entered politics, Mrs. Jablonski and her husband owned and operated a very successful fiberglass manufacturing company. They employed 18 people and manufactured various fiberglass projects, including a 70-foot dinosaur, waterslides, jet boats and RV parts. 
Her work experience also includes seven years in the banking industry.

Mrs. Jablonski is an energetic and enthusiastic member of her community. She has been involved in various community groups, sporting associations, church boards, the Catholic Women’s League, Girl Guides of Canada and the Chamber of Commerce. In 1999 as a member of the ITC (formerly Toast Mistresses) Mrs. Jablonski won the international speech competition in Kobe, Japan.

In her free time Mrs. Jablonski enjoys camping and hiking with her family.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Mr. Doug Horner - MLA for Spruce Grove-St. Albert

Father God May MLA Doug Horner experience Your blessing and joy as he serves the people of Spruce Grove – St. Albert.  We pray that as he faces difficult situations, he would b effective in making decisions with clarity and understanding that will be beneficial for all Albertans.  Bless him with health and strength and surround him with Your divine protection.  Amen.

Doug Horner is the fourth-term Member of the Legislative Assembly for Spruce Grove-St. Albert. He currently serves as the Senior Advisor to the Premier on Internal Trade and Federal and Provincial Relations. He is also a member of the Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund.

Mr. Horner has held such portfolios as Deputy Premier, President of the Treasury Board and Minister of Finance, Minister of Enterprise, Minister of Advanced Education and Technology and Minister of Agriculture. He was also the first provincial liaison to the Canadian Forces.

Mr. Horner has been a strong proponent of the commercialization of Alberta’s knowledge base, research and technology and has led many trade and investment missions to emerging markets. He established the bio-fuels initiative to create new energy sources from agricultural waste and created the Alberta Innovates corporations, focusing several research institutes into commercial ventures. Mr. Horner also established Campus Alberta, a collaborative association of Alberta’s post-secondary institutions.

Mr. Horner has a solid background in business. He worked in both the banking and agriculture industry prior to his political career. Following the sale of his family’s grain processing business to ConAgra in 1993, Mr. Horner moved to the company’s Nebraska office, where he was responsible for the international marketing and sales of specialty grains. He later returned to Canada and established a trading company for agrifoods and agrifeeds for domestic and international markets.

Mr. Horner graduated from the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) with a diploma in business. After completing further studies, he was accredited by the Institute of Canadian Bankers. Mr. Horner holds an ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Mr. Fred Horne - MLA for Edmonton-Rutherford

Heavenly Father it is with gratitude we bring MLA Fred Horne before You.  As he fulfills his role in the constituency of Edmonton – Rutherford.  May he be enabled by Your wisdom and knowledge.  Surround him today with those who are able to give him counsel and advice so that he may continue to be successful for the sake of our Province.  Amen.

Mr. Horne was elected to his second term as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for Edmonton-Rutherford on April 23, 2012. He currently serves as a member of the Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future and the Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

He previously served as Minister of Health, as Minister of Health and Wellness, and as parliamentary assistant to Health and Wellness.

Committee involvement has included membership on the Cabinet Policy Committee on Public Health & Safety and the Treasury Board as well as on the Select Special Chief Electoral Officer Search Committee and the Standing Committee on Legislative Offices and chair of the Standing Committee on Health.

Prior to serving with the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Mr. Horne worked as a health policy consultant for over 25 years, serving various government bodies and regional health authorities in addition to the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

Throughout his career Mr. Horne worked extensively with the Conference Board of Canada, the Alberta government and the Mayo Clinic.

Mr. Horne holds a master of business administration degree from Royal Roads University and a postgraduate certification in dispute resolution from York University.

An avid volunteer, Mr. Horne has served on numerous boards including:
  • Alberta Mental Health Board
  • Athabasca University
  • Mediation and Restorative Justice Centre of Edmonton
  • Canadian Student Debating Federation
Additionally, Mr. Horne is a former debater and coached Team Canada at the World Schools Debating Championships. For his continued contributions to the development of debate and speech programs Mr. Horne received the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002.

Mr. Horne and his wife, Jennifer, have lived in Edmonton since 1992.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Mr. Kent Hehr - MLA for Calgary-Buffalo

Heavenly Father we pray for MLA Kent Hehr.  May he clearly see the direction he must go and have wisdom for every decision he is facing as he plans for progress in the area of Calgary – Buffalo in Alberta.  May he be aware of people and provision to help see his plans come to fruition.  Bless him and his family with health and well-being.  Amen.

Kent Hehr was elected to his second term as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary-Buffalo on April 23, 2012.

He currently serves as a member of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and the Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future.

Previously, in addition to his regular duties as MLA, Mr. Hehr served as Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition and as a member of the following committees:
  • Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections, Standing Orders and Printing
  • Standing Committee on Resource Management
  • Standing Committee on Education (deputy chair)
  • Standing Committee on Energy
  • Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services
Previously, in addition to his regular duties as MLA, Mr. Hehr served as Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition and as a member of the following committees:
  • Standing Committee on Resource Management
  • Standing Committee on Education (deputy chair)
  • Standing Committee on Energy
  • Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services
Prior to his election as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Mr. Hehr practiced law with the firm of Fraser Milner Casgrain since 2001.

Mr. Hehr pursued postsecondary studies at Mount Royal College and completed both his bachelor of arts degree and bachelor of laws degree at the University of Calgary, where he was named graduate of the decade and ranked among the top 40 graduates in 40 years.

Active in his community, Mr. Hehr has served on the following boards:
  • National Education Association of Disabled Students, president
  • Calgary Advisory Committee on Accessibility, chair
  • Canadian Paraplegic Association (Alberta), chair
  • Calgary Downtown West Community Association
  • United Way of Calgary Leaders Committee
  • Calgary Canuck Alumni Association

Mr. Hehr has a keen interest in current events and enjoys hockey and baseball.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Mr. Jason Hale - MLA for Strathmore-Brooks

Lord God we bring to You in prayer, MLA Jason Hale representing the constituency of Strathmore – Brooks.  May You bless him today with added strength for all he sets to do as he attends meetings or participates in community functions.  We thank You for wisdom as he carries out his important role.  May he be successful as he seeds to bring parties together to negotiate and make decisions for the best of all peoples and vocations living and working together here in Alberta.  May Your blessing rest upon his life.  Amen.
Jason Hale was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Strathmore-Brooks on April 23, 2012.

He is currently the deputy chair of the Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship, and previously served as a member on the Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

Mr. Hale was born and raised near Bassano. In 2010 the Hale family celebrated a century of living in the community. He and his wife and two sons currently run a cow-calf operation. Mr. Hale has also worked as a consultant in the oil and gas sector and as a professional bullfighter.

Mr. Hale graduated from the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) with a chemical technology diploma.

An active member of his community, Mr. Hale has been a member of the Bassano Rodeo Committee for the past eight years and a director of the Bassano Agricultural Society for the past three years. He has also regularly volunteered as a coach and manager with community hockey and baseball teams.

Mr. Hale and his family reside on their farm in Bassano.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Mr. Doug Griffiths - MLA for Battle River-Wainwright

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You that we can bring MLA Doug Griffiths before You today in prayer, confident that You hear our prayers, we ask that Your hand would be guiding him as he goes about his work today, whether in his office in the legislature or in his constituency of Battle River – Wainwright.  We pray that You would give him grace and the ability to connect with the individuals he needs to meet with today.  Bless him and his family with health and safety.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Doug Griffiths was first elected as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta at the age of 29 for the constituency of Wainwright in a by-election on April 8, 2002. He was re-elected to the Legislature to represent the constituency of Battle River-Wainwright on November 22, 2004, March 3, 2008, and for a fourth term on April 23, 2012.

He is currently a member of the Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services.
He previously served as Minister of Service Alberta and as Minister of Municipal Affairs and held past appointments including serving as parliamentary assistant for the Department of Finance and Enterprise as well as parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. He also served on the following committees:
  • Standing Committee on Public Safety and Services
  • Standing Committee on Health
  • Public Accounts
  • Standing Committee on the Economy
  • Alberta Grain Commission (vice-chair)
  • Private Members Business House Strategy Committee (chair)
  • Standing Policy Committee on Energy and Sustainable Development (chair)
  • Rural Development Strategies Task Force (chair)
  • Agenda and Priorities Committee
  • Standing Policy Committee on Economic Development and Finance
  • Standing Policy Committee on Agriculture and Municipal Affairs
  • Learning Alberta Steering Committee
  • Health Services Utilization and Outcomes Commission (now called the Health Quality Council)
  • MLA Committee on Strengthening Alberta’s Role in Confederation
  • Standing Committee on Public Accounts (deputy chair)
  • Standing Committee on Resources and Environment
Before becoming a Member of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Griffiths received an honours degree in philosophy and a degree in education, both from the University of Alberta. During the three years prior to his election he taught at Byemoor School, where he was nominated every year for an award in teaching, once for the Edwin Parr Award and twice for the Pan Canadian Student Choice Award.

Mr. Griffiths and his wife, Sue, have two boys, Austin (born December 2005) and Brady (born August 2008).

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Mr. Hector Goudreau - MLA for Dunvegan-Central Peace-Notley

Dear Father in Heaven, we gratefully bring MLA Hector Goudreau before You today as he carries out his role providing leadership in the constituency of Dunvegan – Central Peace – Notley.  Thank You for wisdom and understanding for the important decisions he needs to make and for those individuals You surround him with those to assist him in meeting his objectives.  We pray that he would sense Your presence and that he and his family experience Your love and peace in their lives.  Amen. 

Hector Goudreau was elected to his fourth term as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for Dunvegan-Central Peace-Notley on April 23, 2012.

Mr. Goudreau currently serves as a chair of the Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship.

He previously served as a member of the Standing Committee on Private Bills, the Standing Committee on Families and Communities and the Standing Committee for Privileges, Elections, Standing Orders and Printing and the Select Special Ethics Commissioner Search Committee.

Mr. Goudreau has served as chair of the Cabinet Policy Committee on Community Development, a member and as the deputy chair of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and as a member of the Select Special Chief Electoral Officer Search Committee the Standing Committee on Community Development, Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future, the Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services and the Legislative Review Committee.

Previously, Mr. Goudreau served as Minister of Municipal Affairs, Minister of Employment and Immigration and Minister of Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture. He also served as Deputy Government House Leader.

Mr. Goudreau has served as a member of the Standing Policy Committee on Agriculture and Municipal Affairs, vice-chair of the Alberta Grain Commission, a member of the Historic Dunvegan Advisory Committee and a member of the Heritage Savings Trust Fund Committee. He has also served as a member of the standing committees on Private Bills and Public Accounts as well as the Standing Policy Committee on Learning and Employment.

Mr. Goudreau sat as a council member with the town of Falher and also spent some time as deputy mayor.

Born on October 11, 1950, Mr. Goudreau was raised on a dairy farm in Beaumont. He graduated from the University of Alberta with a bachelor of science degree, majoring in agriculture. He also completed a number of courses at the universities of Duluth, Minnesota and Montana.

With 27 years as a district agriculturist, he has worked as a crop specialist for the provincial government, was the assistant manager of Falher Alfalfa, an agronomist in Australia, farmed with his family and has his own farm. Mr. Goudreau was a recipient of the government of Alberta’s employee award for 25 years of service.

Mr. Goudreau is and has been involved with community and professional organizations, including:
  • Alberta Institute of Agrologists, member
  • Agricultural Society, member
  • Agriculture-related organizations: seed cleaning plants, AADC and a canola product team
  • Peace County Development Corporation, chair
  • Falher and Area Economic Development Committee
  • SCENO - Enterprise Centre
  • Smoky Applied Research and Demonstration Association (SARDA)
  • Northwest Corridor Development Corporation, member
  • Smoky River Water Co-op, member
  • Smoky River trade shows
  • Knights of Columbus, member
  • Canadian Parents for French
  • School committees, church committees
He received the Knights of Columbus Knight of the Year award in 1987.

Mr. Goudreau lives in Falher with his wife, Angeline. They have three daughters: Micheline, Monique and Melanie. In his free time he enjoys travelling, fishing, curling, reading and farming.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Mrs. Yvonne Fritz - MLA for Calgary-Cross

God in Heaven, we pray today for MLA Mr. Yvonne as she serves her constituency of Calgary – Cross with passion and joy.  Bless her today in her many significant dealings with people in committees and in community interactions.  Grant her favour with all she connects with.  Bless her as well with health and vitality and strength for her travels.  Amen.

Yvonne Fritz was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta as the Member for Calgary-Cross in 1993 and was elected for her sixth term on April 23, 2012. She currently serves as a member of the Standing Committee on Private Bills, the Standing Committee on Families and Communities and the Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services.

In addition to her duties as a Member, she served as chair of the Standing Committee on Public Health and Safety during the 27th Legislature and more recently as a member of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and the Standing Committee of Privileges, Elections, Standing Orders and Printing.

Previously she served as Minister of Children and Youth Services. In her capacity as Minister of Children and Youth Services, she worked with families and communities to provide nurturing, safe environments for children and youth. In addition to her ministerial appointment, she served as a member of the Agenda and Priorities Committee.

Initially named to Cabinet in 2004, Mrs. Fritz served as Minister of Seniors and Community Supports, Associate Minister of Housing and Urban Development in 2007 and Minister of the newly-created Housing and Urban Affairs in 2008.

Prior to serving as a Minister of the Crown, Mrs. Fritz served as the Chair of the Cabinet Policy Committee on Managing Growth Pressures, as a member of Treasury Board and chaired both the Alberta Multicultural Commission and the Women’s Breast Cancer Screening Council. She also sponsored three Private Members’ Bills, including a bill for mandatory bicycle helmet use for children and teenagers.

From 1988 until 1993, Mrs. Fritz served as a City of Calgary Alderman in Ward 5, one of Canada’s largest civic ridings.

Prior to seeking elected office, Mrs. Fritz worked as a registered nurse at Calgary General Hospital for over 20 years.

As a long-time resident of Calgary-Cross, Mrs. Fritz is an active member in local associations and a strong advocate for volunteerism and community involvement.

She is married to Lanny; they have two grown children.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Mr. Rick Fraser - MLA for Calgary-South East

Thank You Lord God in Heaven for Mr. Rick Fraser as he serves the people of Alberta, as MLA for Calgary – South East.  We pray for wisdom and understanding to deal with difficult issues and that he would be aware of urgent situations that need to be addressed.  Thank You for the good deeds he does for our province and may they be returned to him in abundance.  May Mr. Fraser experience Your blessing today upon him and his family.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Rick Fraser was elected to his first term as the Member for Calgary-South East on April 23, 2012. He currently serves as Legislative Secretary, Ambulance Services (reporting to the Minister of Health). He also serves as a member of the Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship.

He previously served as Associate Minister of Public Safety and as the Associate Minister of Recovery and Reconstruction of High River. As well he has served as a member of the following committees:
  • Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services
  • Standing Committee on Families and Communities
  • Strategic Tourism and Marketing Council
  • Standing Committee on Public Accounts
  • Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship
Mr. Fraser also served as Deputy Government Whip. Like so many Canadians, one of Mr. Fraser’s passions is the game of hockey. Upon graduating high school, he was drafted eighth overall in the 1994 East Coast Hockey League free agent draft by the Columbus Chill. He has enjoyed sharing his love for teamwork and volunteerism by coaching various sports teams in and around his community.

After three and a half years of college, he earned his advanced-care paramedic diploma in the University of Alberta Faculty of Augustana paramedic program. As an advanced-care paramedic, he was responsible for all advanced life-saving procedures outside of a hospital setting combined with advanced treat-and-release, and treat-and-refer protocols for the sick and injured anywhere in Alberta. In addition, Mr. Fraser has served the public for 12 years working for the ambulance service.

Mr. Fraser was a leader in his profession, operating as crew chief in Calgary and teaching advanced cardiac life support to EMS staff, physicians, nurses and students at Lakeland College in Camrose. From 2008 to 2010 he served as president of Calgary paramedics. 
Additionally, he sat on the Alberta College of Paramedics committee that is responsible for developing a critical care paramedic program and overseeing continuing education for all EMS staff in Alberta. Mr. Fraser also advocates for new paramedic students as the practicum co-ordinator for the Calgary zone of Lakeland College.

Born and raised in Calgary, Rick Fraser and his wife Mishelle are now raising two young sons in Calgary’s southeast side.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Mr. Rod Fox - MLA for Lacombe-Ponoka

Bless MLA Mr. Rod Fox in his riding of Lacombe and Ponoka.  Thank you for giving him insight and guidance as he carries out the many responsibilities and tasks before him.  We pray You would empower him and cause him to continue to be effective as he serves and gives leadership to the people of Lacombe – Ponoka.  May he experience your love and kindness, today.  In Your Name Lord God, Amen.

Rod Fox was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Lacombe-Ponoka on April 23, 2012. He currently serves as deputy chair of the Standing Committee on Economic Futures and is also a member of the Standing Committee on Families and Communities.

He previously served as a member of the Standing Committee on Private Bills.

Mr. Fox was born and raised in Whitecourt and currently calls Lacombe home. His professional background is in insurance, finance, marketing, managing and business relations. Until his election to the Legislative Assembly he was sales manager for the largest Canadian-owned insurance premium finance company in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.

Mr. Fox has been heavily involved in federal politics in the riding of Wetaskiwin. He has also been active at the local level, having served as a director on the Lacombe Economic Development Board from 2006 to 2007 and having run for Lacombe Town Council in 2007.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Mrs. Heather Forsyth - MLA for Calgary-Fish Creek

Father in Heaven, we pray for your blessings to rest upon MLA Mrs. Heather Forsyth, as she represents her constituency of Calgary – Fish Creek.   May You enable her to serve her constituency with wisdom and passion.  Grant her the strength she needs to carry out her responsibilities and grace for the many roles and tasks.  Bless her and all of her family.  Amen

Heather Forsyth was first elected MLA for Calgary-Fish Creek in 1993. On January 4, 2010, Mrs. Forsyth joined the Wildrose Caucus. She currently serves as a member of the Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services.

She previously served on the following standing committees of the Legislative Assembly:
  • Families and Communities (deputy chair)
  • Privileges and Elections, Standing Orders and Printing
  • Public Accounts
  • Public Health and Safety
  • Alberta Heritage Savings Trust fund
  • Private Bills
  • Government Services
As a result of her work with children, in 2002 she was named Reader’s Digest Canadian Hero. One of her greatest honours was being bestowed the Blackfoot name Aahsoikinnah-kaiki, which means healing woman.

Prior to becoming an MLA, Mrs. Forsyth worked as a sales and marketing manager in the advertising industry for 15 years, during which she received the Silver Marketing Award and the 1989 President’s Award.

Prior to entering provincial politics, she also volunteered with community groups, the Children’s Wish Foundation, the provincial Youth Justice Committee, the Alberta Social Services Appeal Advisory Board and the Calgary Board of Health.

Mrs. Forsyth is an avid reader and enjoys playing golf, gardening and spending time with her family and friends. She is also the founder and current chair of the Peanut Butter Classic Society, a non-profit organization which puts on a golf tournament yearly to raise much-needed funding for charities that help women and children. A native of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, she lives in Calgary with her husband, Gordon, and has two sons.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Ms. Jacquie Fenske - MLA for Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville

Dear Heavenly Father we pray today for MLA Jacquie Fenske.  May she be blessed as she goes about her daily tasks and committee meetings.    Keep her in Your perfect peace and give her the strength, wisdom and understanding to be the leader You have created her to be.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Jacquie Fenske was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville on April 23, 2012. She currently serves on the Standing Committee on Private Bills and the Standing Committee on Families and Communities.

She previously served as a member of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, the Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship, the Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future and the Select Special Conflicts of Interest Act Review Committee.

Ms. Fenske earned a bachelor of education degree at the University of Alberta and taught for Edmonton public schools prior to operating her family’s group of companies, Fifendekel. In addition to her teaching and business pursuits, she served on Strathcona county council on two separate occasions, from 1995 to 1998 and from 2004 to 2012.

A third-generation Strathcona county resident, Ms. Fenske has served on numerous provincial and local boards in the past decade. She was regional director of the Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies as well as having served as president of the Josephburg Agricultural Society. Ms. Fenske has also served as the president of the Fort Saskatchewan Junior B Hockey club but her passion lies in the performing arts. She has directed several musical productions including Grease and Guys and Dolls.

Ms. Fenske is an active volunteer with Northlands. She lives southeast of Josephburg near Elk Island Park with her family.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Honourable Kyle Fawcett - MLA for Calgary-Klein

Heavenly Father, we thank You and pray for Honourable Kyle Fawcett.   May he use his gifting’s, knowledge and resources to bring about much improvement in our province of Alberta.  May he know and sense Your presence in guiding him as he goes about his busy schedule, and may he experience divine connections to get the jobs accomplished.  In Jesus Name, Amen. 

Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development

Kyle Fawcett was elected to his second term as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary-Klein on April 23, 2012. On September 15, 2014, he was sworn in as Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development. He continues to serve as the vice-chair of the Treasury Board, and as a member of the Government’s committee on Agenda and Priorities.

Previous cabinet postings include serving as Minister of Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour, the Associate Minister – Recovery and Reconstruction of Southwest Alberta, the Associate Minister of Finance and as parliamentary assistant for Treasury Board and Enterprise. He has also served as a member of the following:
  • Southern Alberta Recovery Ministerial Task Force
  • Treasury Board
  • Standing Committee on Public Accounts
  • Standing Committee on Finance
  • Standing Committee on the Economy
  • Standing Committee on Health
  • Standing Committee on Private Bills
  • Special Standing Committee on Members’ Services
  • Government Legislation Review Committee
  • Youth Secretariat (chair)
  • Alberta Delegate Council for the Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER)
  • Cabinet Policy Committee on the Economy (chair)
  • Cabinet Policy Committee on Health
Before serving as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Mr. Fawcett provided research consultant services in support of both private industry and non-profit projects.

In addition, Mr. Fawcett served as a trustee from 2004 to 2007 with the Calgary Board of Education. He served in a variety of capacities, including:
  • chair of both the audit committee and the policy committee
  • board liaison to the Calgary Board of Education/Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) Liaison Committee
  • board representative to the ATA collective agreement interpretation committee
A graduate of the University of Calgary, Mr. Fawcett has a bachelor of arts degree in political science and economics.

Born and raised in Calgary, Mr. Fawcett has kept active in the community, coaching youth baseball and football and mentoring junior and senior high school youth in northeast Calgary as part of the Alberta Mentorship Foundation for Youth program and the Impact Society Heroes program.

In November 2012, Mr. Fawcett was named one of Calgary’s Top 40 Under 40 in Avenue magazine for his leadership, contributions, and achievements in Calgary and our province.

Kyle and his wife Ashley live in the Calgary community of Mount Pleasant.